Winter Thaw Lacrosse Playday

Winter Thaw Lacrosse Playday

Every February, as the cold grip of winter begins to loosen across the mid-Atlantic region, lacrosse teams from across Northern Virginia come together for the Winter Thaw Preseason Lacrosse Playday. This highly anticipated early season event provides a vital opportunity for teams to shake off the rust, get game reps under their belts, and start building chemistry after long months of indoor practice.  

While the games take center stage, the Winter Thaw is more than just a playday. It's a celebration of the lacrosse community and the annual rebirth of the spring sports season after a dormant winter. Players, coaches, families and fans reconnect after the long offseason. For those in attendance, the Winter Thaw is a rite of passage and the first foreshadowing of sunny days and championship pursuits to come.

The Winter Thaw Lacrosse Playday is a scholastic high school team event designed to prepare teams for the upcoming spring season. Our mission is to provide:

  • VARSITY Boys & Girls teams ONLY!
  • A final opportunity for team unity before spring tryouts
  • Adherence to NFHS rules, mirroring official spring season play
  • Balanced competition through 3 divisions based on rankings
  • Guaranteed playing time with either:
    • Four 2X18 minute games (15 Teams)
    • Five 2x15 minute games (18 Teams)
  • Structured competition with a preset schedule
  • Exclusive participation for spring-based high school teams

By participating in the Winter Thaw, teams will:

  • Redevelop team chemistry
  • Get valuable pre-season game experience
  • Compete against peers of similar skill levels
  • Maximize playing time within a single day
  • Experience official rules and conditions of spring season play

This tournament serves as the ideal bridge between off-season training and the spring season, offering a competitive and structured environment for teams to prepare and excel.

